Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Random Piece of Tot 4


We all know the defence mechanism lizards have. Their tail can grow again when it dropped. So, here comes the question.

Wat happens when the famous Cicakman got his penis chopped off?
Btw, get him watch porn b4 choppin... *providin a prostitute or a stripper is way too uneconomical

My Answer:
4get the fuckin myth..!! NO way it's gonna grow back again... He'll just shout his lungs out, bleed like mad n then die (due to the unimaginable agony suffered) Or if he's lucky enuf 2 meet the Flash, the Flash'll probably manage to pick his fallen dick up n send him 2 hospital in time. Then, it's up to the skills of the surgeon 2 revive his dick...
In short, Cicakman is not as cicak-ish as u tot... Screw him..!!

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